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  • Important Information

      Until July 15th After July 15th
      920 € 1050 €


      Companies with legal seat in Germany will be subject to VAT in addition.
      We will confirm the registration upon payment receipt.
      Cancellations received on or before 20th August entitle for full refund of the registration fee. On or before 17th September for 50% refund. Thereafter no refund applies.
      Please note that reservations for the social program cannot be made during the conference.


      The hotel accommodation is not included in the registration fee. Until September 5th a block of rooms is reserved for the SIMONE Congress, available on a first come, first served basis at the congress venue - Hesperia Hotel and even in a hotel within walking distance. Room reservation can be made on the follwing links:

      Hesperia Madrid Hotel
      Hotel Zurbano


      Please note that reservations for the social program cannot be made during the conference.


      Delegates and accompanying persons are invited to the welcome reception taking place at Hotel Hesperia, Wednesday, 26 September.


      Thursday, 27 September
      Delegates are invited to choose between three different excursions on Thursday afternoon. Please see the full description of the tours in the program.
      Please note that a minimum of 25 participants is required for the tour to be confirmed.

  • Role
    • select
  • Identification
      Full name
      Badge name
      Mobile number
  • Itens
    •  DescriptionAvailabilityQuantityFeeTotal 
      Registration Fee
      No child records to display.
      Accompanying Person Spin UpSpin Down
      Accompanying Person Name:
      Welcome Reception
      No child records to display.
      I will arrive at the hotel in time for the Welcome Reception
      No child records to display.
      My accompanying person will arrive at the hotel in time for the Welcome Reception Spin UpSpin Down
      No child records to display.
      No child records to display.
      City Sightseeing Tour (Highlights of Madrid)
      No child records to display.
      Accompanying Person - City Sightseeing Tour Spin UpSpin Down
      No child records to display.
      Prado Museum - Guided visit to some of the major artists
      No child records to display.
      Accompanying Person - Prado Museum Spin UpSpin Down
      No child records to display.
      Santiago Barnabeu Statium Visit
      No child records to display.
      Accompanying Person - Santiago Barnabeu Statium Visit Spin UpSpin Down
      No child records to display.
      Dinner Thursday, 27 September
      No child records to display.
      I plan to participate in the Dinner
      Food restrictions:
      My accompanying person plans to participate in the Dinner Spin UpSpin Down
      Food restrictions:
  • Discounts
    •  DescriptionFee
  • Conclude
  • Steps